
 images via designboom

Riverside Clubhouse - Yancheng, China
Architect: Hua Li / Tao (Trace Architecture Office)

This was too breathtaking not to post up.

Sucker for Sevenths

images via nickyclarke and becomegorgeous

Jess Hudak & George Arthur - Different Worlds

I enjoy hair things. These pearl hair pins from the Chanel S/S '12 runway don't fail in the slightest in the Aesthetically Pleasing Things department. In the old days when I had longer hair and bangs, I dug deep to my chinese roots and stuck sticks in my hair like the chinese women in the ancient times. I had ones with dangly beads and silver pieces on them, and my favourite was a carved wooden elephant.

I happened to watch an episode of The Voice and one of the contestants did a cover of this song. The first phrase of the melody is a killer, ending on the 7th. I'm definantly a sucker for 7ths which brings to mind a song I posted earlier: Chris Garneau - Blue Suede Shoes.


Eat your fork.

Heston is such a fun chef. He challenges the connection between our eyes and taste buds, our perceptions and assumptions of food and the way we eat. And he makes it so entertaining.