Silhouette in dreams

I hope your preparations for Christmas are well under way! If you are bashing your head for last minute gift ideas and don't want to spend a fortune, here is a really cheap and personalised gift idea - Aluminium Embossing. You can make Christmas tree decorations, necklaces, badges.

What you'll need: (for a Christmas tree decoration)
- Scissors
- Dead Ballpoint Pen
- Aluminium Tray (the ones you use for bbqs and buy from $2 shops)
- Nice String or Ribbon

It's quite simple to make!
1. Carefully cut out your intended shape. (You can print off a google image stick it on to the aluminium as a template)
2. Decorate the aluminium by drawing with the pen. (It's better to do it over a slightly padded surface so the aluminium has room to dent)

Note: The side you draw on is not the side you present (which I did incorrectly) So if you want to write a word/s on your aluminium, you will need to write the word/s mirrored. 

Kimbra - Cameo Lover

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